Issue Position: Maintain Faith

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2013
Issues: Religion

Since age twelve, my Faith is very important to me.

If elected to represent House District 11 in the Alabama Legislature in Montgomery, I will begin my term in office the same way I begin every day -- with prayer.

If elected, we will have a Prayer Breakfast the first Saturday morning after I am elected in the District. All ministers and clergy in District 11 will be invited to our Prayer Breakfast and will be asked to pray for House District 11 and me as I begin my term in the legislature.

We will continue the District 11 Prayer Breakfast on a regular basis as long as I serve in the legislature. We will rotate the Prayer Breakfast among the counties in District 11.

Our country was founded on religious freedom and I will certainly practice such freedom and strive to represent Christian principles in my daily life.

I am fond of the Scripture that says, "Let your light shine." I have always noted, it does not say, make your light shine.
